var LForm_Time; var IsSqlsingle = true; var IsSqlmultiple = false; var loadingTime; var field = new Array(); $(document).ready(function () { $('.Form_Navigation').find('li:first-child').addClass('active'); $('.Form_title').find('li:first-child').addClass('active'); $('.LiveForm').each(function (item, obj) { var LF = $(obj).attr('uniqueid'); if ($(window).width() <= 768) { $('#' + LF + ' ul.Form_Navigation li').hide().slice(0, 2).show(); $('#' + LF + ' ul.Form_title li').hide().slice(0, 2).show(); } else { $('#' + LF + ' ul.Form_Navigation li').hide().slice(0, 5).show(); $('#' + LF + ' ul.Form_title li').hide().slice(0, 5).show(); } }); //we also want to check condition on page load to match with the default values ConditionCheck(null); $('[condition] select,[condition] input[type="radio"]').each(function (i, obj) { $(obj).bind("keyup change FilesAdded", function () { ConditionCheck(obj); }); }); $('[condition] input[type="checkbox"], [condition] input[type="tel"]').each(function (i, obj) { $(obj).bind("keyup change FilesAdded", debounce(function (event) { ConditionCheck(obj); }, 1500)); }); $('[condition] input[type="text"],[condition] textarea').each(function (i, obj) { $(obj).bind("blur", function () { ConditionCheck(obj); }); }); $('[condition]').find('.StarRatingRequired').find('div img').each(function (i, obj) { $(obj).bind("click", function () { ConditionCheck(obj); }); }); $('[condition].Datetime').find('input[type="text"]').each(function (i, obj) { $(obj).on('change', function (e) { ConditionCheck(obj); }); }); $(window).load(function (ob) {//window.load used because of late binding $('.LiveForm .Fileupload div[controlid]').each(function (i, obj) { eval(jQuery(obj).attr("controlid")).bind("FilesAdded", function (i, files) { ConditionCheck(obj); }); eval(jQuery(obj).attr("controlid")).bind("FilesRemoved", function (i, files) { ConditionCheck(obj); }); }); }); IsSqlmultiple = true; $('.DvLfBrowsefile').click(); }); function debounce(func, wait, immediate) { var timeout; return function () { var context = this, args = arguments; var later = function () { timeout = null; if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args); }; var callNow = immediate && !timeout; clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(later, wait); if (callNow) func.apply(context, args); }; } function ConditionCheck(obj, ele) { loadingTime = new Date(); if ($('.ClientSideActionJson') != 'undefined' && $('.ClientSideActionJson').val() != "") { var clientActions = $(".ClientSideActionJson[value!='[]']"); // get client action from hidden field field = new Array(); $.each(clientActions, function (key, value) { var conditionalActions = jQuery.parseJSON($(value).val()); var ModuleId = $(value).attr("mid"); var PortalId = $(value).attr("pid"); //$.each(conditionalActions, function (key, value) { for (var caindex = 0; caindex < conditionalActions.length; caindex++) { var IscheckCon = true; var condition_action = conditionalActions[caindex]; if (obj) { IscheckCon = false; var conditions = condition_action.ConditionSet.Conditions; for (var con_index = 0; con_index < conditions.length; con_index++) { if (conditions[con_index].FieldId === $(obj).parents("li.Field").attr('guid')) { IscheckCon = true; } } var actions = condition_action.Actions; for (var act_index = 0; act_index < actions.length; act_index++) { if (actions[act_index].FriendlyName === "Evaluating JavaScript") { if (actions[act_index].Script.indexOf($(obj).parents("li.Field").attr('guid')) !== -1) { IscheckCon = true; } } else if (actions[act_index].FriendlyName === "SQLQuery") { if (actions[act_index].Query.indexOf($(obj).parents("li.Field").attr('guid')) !== -1) { IscheckCon = true; } } } } if (IscheckCon) { ConditionalActionCheck(obj, ele, condition_action, ModuleId, PortalId); //if (!isLoop) { // setTimeout(function () { // ConditionalActionCheck(obj, ele, condition_action, ModuleId, PortalId); // }, 10); //} //else // ConditionalActionCheck(obj, ele, condition_action); } } }); setTimeout(function () { $(".lfoverlay, .lfmodal").hide(); IsSqlsingle = false; }, 10); } } function ConditionalActionCheck(obj, ele, conditionalActions, ModuleId, PortalId) { if (new Date() - loadingTime > 1000) $(".lfoverlay, .lfmodal").show(); var cavalue = conditionalActions; var action; var script = []; if (typeof cavalue.Actions != 'undefined') { action = cavalue.Actions[0]; action.ModuleId = ModuleId; action.PortalId = PortalId; action.GUID = cavalue.GUID; } if (typeof cavalue.ConditionSet != 'undefined') { for (var index = 0; index < cavalue.ConditionSet.Conditions.length; index++) { var condition = cavalue.ConditionSet.Conditions[index]; if (obj == null || obj == 'undefined') { obj = jQuery("[guid='" + condition.FieldId + "']").children().first(); } var element = ''; if ($(obj).parents('li').hasClass('Textbox')) element = jQuery(".LiveForm li[guid='" + condition.FieldId + "'] input[type='text']"); if ($(obj).parents('li').hasClass('Currency')) { if ($.browser.device) element = jQuery(".LiveForm li[guid='" + condition.FieldId + "'] input[type='tel']"); else element = jQuery(".LiveForm li[guid='" + condition.FieldId + "'] input[type='text']"); } else if ($(obj).parents('li').hasClass('Datetime')) element = jQuery(".LiveForm li[guid='" + condition.FieldId + "'] input[type='text']"); else if ($(obj).parents('li').hasClass('Number')) element = jQuery(".LiveForm li[guid='" + condition.FieldId + "'] input[type='text']"); else if ($(obj).parents('li').hasClass('Fullname')) element = jQuery(".LiveForm li[guid='" + condition.FieldId + "'] input[type='text']"); else if ($(obj).parents('li').hasClass('Address')) element = jQuery(".LiveForm li[guid='" + condition.FieldId + "'] input[type='text']"); else if ($(obj).parents('li').hasClass('CreditCard')) element = jQuery(".LiveForm li[guid='" + condition.FieldId + "'] input[type='text']"); else if ($(obj).parents('li').hasClass('Phone')) element = jQuery(".LiveForm li[guid='" + condition.FieldId + "'] input[type='text']"); else if ($(obj).parents('li').hasClass('Email')) element = jQuery(".LiveForm li[guid='" + condition.FieldId + "'] input[type='text']"); else if ($(obj).parents('li').hasClass('Textarea')) element = jQuery(".LiveForm li[guid='" + condition.FieldId + "'] textarea"); else if ($(obj).parents('li').hasClass('Dropdown')) element = jQuery(".LiveForm li[guid='" + condition.FieldId + "'] select"); 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element = getElement(conditionObject, condition);//get condition field if no element above found } if (element != 'undefined' && element.length > 0 && $(element).parents('li').attr('guid') == condition.FieldId) { //element var cScript = ''; var ElementLength = element.length; for (var i = 0; i < ElementLength; i++) {// in case of multiple elements found var currentelement = element[i]; if (cScript != '') { if (ElementLength > 1 && condition.DisplayName != "Is Selected") {//handling control groups required cScript += " && "; } else { cScript += " || "; } } if (typeof $(currentelement).attr("id") != 'undefined' && $(currentelement).attr('class') != "plupload_content" && $(currentelement).parent('div').attr('class') != "StarRatingRequired" && $(obj).parents('li').hasClass('Currency') == false && $(currentelement).closest('li').hasClass('Datetime') == false) cScript += "jQuery('#" + $(currentelement).attr("id") + "').val().replace(\"'\",'\"') "; else if ($(obj).parents('li').hasClass('Currency') == true) cScript += "element.maskMoney('unmasked')[0]"; if (condition.CompareTo) { condition.CompareTo = condition.CompareTo.replace("'", '"'); } var isdatefield = $(currentelement).closest('li').hasClass('Datetime'); if (!isdatefield && (cScript != '' || cScript.length > 0)) { if (condition.DisplayName == "Is Equal To" || condition.DisplayName == "Is Selected") cScript += "==" + " '" + condition.CompareTo + "'"; else if (condition.DisplayName == "Less Than") cScript += "<" + "" + condition.CompareTo + "&&" + cScript + "!=''"; else if (condition.DisplayName == "Greater Than") cScript += ">" + "" + condition.CompareTo + "&&" + cScript + "!=''"; else if (condition.DisplayName == "Is Not Equal To" || condition.DisplayName == "Not Selected") cScript += "!=" + " '" + condition.CompareTo + "'"; else if (condition.DisplayName == "Is Filled") cScript += "!= ''"; else if (condition.DisplayName == "Is Empty") cScript += "== ''"; else if (condition.DisplayName == "Contains") cScript += ".indexOf('" + condition.CompareTo + "')!=-1"; else if (condition.DisplayName == "Does Not Contains") cScript += ".indexOf('" + condition.CompareTo + "')==-1"; else if (condition.DisplayName == "Starts With") cScript += ".indexOf('" + condition.CompareTo + "')==0"; else if (condition.DisplayName == "Doesn't Start With") cScript += ".indexOf('" + condition.CompareTo + "')!=0"; else if (condition.DisplayName == "Ends With") cScript += ".substr(-" + condition.CompareTo.length + ")=='" + condition.CompareTo + "'"; else if (condition.DisplayName == "Doesn't End With") cScript += ".substr(-" + condition.CompareTo.length + ")!='" + condition.CompareTo + "'"; } if ($(currentelement).attr('class') == "plupload_content") { if (condition.DisplayName == "Is Filled") { cScript += " " + jQuery(currentelement).attr("controlid") + ".files.length > 0 ";//pending task find foreach fileupload for checking each file } else if (condition.DisplayName == "Is Empty") { cScript += " " + jQuery(currentelement).attr("controlid") + ".files.length == 0 "; } } if ($(currentelement).parent('div').attr('class') == "StarRatingRequired") { if (condition.DisplayName == "Is Equal To") cScript += "jQuery('#" + + "').raty('score')=='" + condition.CompareTo + "'"; else if (condition.DisplayName == "Is Not Equal To") cScript += "jQuery('#" + + "').raty('score')!='" + condition.CompareTo + "'"; else if (condition.DisplayName == "Less Than") cScript += "jQuery('#" + + "').raty('score')<'" + condition.CompareTo + "'"; else if (condition.DisplayName == "Greater Than") cScript += "jQuery('#" + + "').raty('score')>'" + condition.CompareTo + "'"; else if (condition.DisplayName == "Is Filled") cScript += "jQuery('#" + + "').raty('score') > 0"; else if (condition.DisplayName == "Is Empty") cScript += "jQuery('#" + + "').raty('score') == 'undefined' || jQuery('#" + + "').raty('score') == 0"; } if (isdatefield) { var selday = jQuery('#' + + '').closest('li').find('.datepicker_day').val(); var selmonth = jQuery('#' + + '').closest('li').find('.datepicker_month').val(); var selyear = jQuery('#' + + '').closest('li').find('.datepicker_year').val(); if (selday.length > 0 && selday < 10) { selday = `0${selday}`; } if (selmonth.length > 0 && selmonth < 10) { selmonth = `0${selmonth}`; } var seldate = `${selmonth}/${selday}/${selyear}`; jQuery('#' + + '').closest('li').find('.Calander-Icon').val(seldate); if (condition.DisplayName == "Is Filled") cScript += "jQuery('#" + + "').closest('li').find('.datepicker_day').val().replace(\"'\",'\"')!=''"; else if (condition.DisplayName == "Is Empty") cScript += "jQuery('#" + + "').closest('li').find('.datepicker_day').val().replace(\"'\",'\"')==''"; else if (condition.DisplayName == "Is Equal To") { cScript += "jQuery('#" + + "').closest('li').find('.Calander-Icon').val()=='" + condition.CompareTo + "'"; } else if (condition.DisplayName == "Is Not Equal To") { cScript += "jQuery('#" + + "').closest('li').find('.Calander-Icon').val()!='" + condition.CompareTo + "'"; } else if (condition.DisplayName == "Is Before") { cScript += "jQuery('#" + + "').closest('li').find('.Calander-Icon').val()<'" + condition.CompareTo + "'"; } else if (condition.DisplayName == "Is After") { cScript += "jQuery('#" + + "').closest('li').find('.Calander-Icon').val()>'" + condition.CompareTo + "'"; } else if (condition.DisplayName == "Is Today") { var today = new Date(); var dd = today.getDate(); var mm = today.getMonth() + 1; var yyyy = today.getFullYear(); if (dd < 10) { dd = `0${dd}`; } if (mm < 10) { mm = `0${mm}`; } today = `${mm}/${dd}/${yyyy}`; cScript += "jQuery('#" + + "').closest('li').find('.Calander-Icon').val()=='" + today + "'"; } else if (condition.DisplayName == "Is In Next") { cScript += "(new Date(jQuery('#" + + "').closest('li').find('.Calander-Icon').val())>new Date() && new Date(jQuery('#" + + "').closest('li').find('.Calander-Icon').val())new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() - " + condition.CompareTo + "))"; } } } if (cScript != '') { script.push(cScript); cScript = ''; } } else if (($(jQuery(".LiveForm li[guid='" + condition.FieldId + "']")).hasClass('Radiobutton') || $(jQuery(".LiveForm li[guid='" + condition.FieldId + "']")).hasClass('Checkbox')) && condition.DisplayName == "Not Selected") { script.push(true); } else if (($(jQuery(".LiveForm li[guid='" + condition.FieldId + "']")).hasClass('Radiobutton') || $(jQuery(".LiveForm li[guid='" + condition.FieldId + "']")).hasClass('Checkbox')) && condition.DisplayName == "Is Empty") { script.push(true); } else script.push(false); } var evalScript = ''; $.each(script, function (key, test) { if (evalScript != '') { if (cavalue.ConditionSet.MatchCondition == 1)//and condition evalScript += " && "; else evalScript += " || "; } evalScript += test; }); if (evalScript == "jQuery('#undefined').val() != ''") { evalScript = ''; } if (action.FriendlyName == "SQLQuery") { var guid = $($(obj).closest('.Field')).attr("guid"); if (IsSqlsingle) { PerformAction(evalScript, action, obj, element, ele); } if (action.FieldValue != guid && action.Query != "" && IsSqlmultiple == true) { var isavl = false; $.each(field, function (index, value) { if (action.Query.indexOf(value) > -1) { isavl = true; return false; } else isavl = false; }); if (isavl || action.Query.indexOf(guid) > -1) { PerformAction(evalScript, action, obj, element, ele); field.push(action.FieldValue); } } } else if (action.FriendlyName == "Evaluating JavaScript") { PerformAction(evalScript, action, obj, element, ele); } else if (action.FriendlyName == "Create Ticket") { PerformAction(evalScript, action, obj, element, ele); } else if (evalScript != '') { PerformAction(evalScript, action, obj, element, ele); } else if (evalScript == '' && $(element).attr('class') == "plupload_content") { PerformAction(evalScript, action, obj, element, ele); } } //IsSqlsingle = false; } function getElement(conditionObject, condition) { if ($(conditionObject).hasClass('Textbox')) element = jQuery(".LiveForm li[guid='" + condition.FieldId + "'] input[type='text']"); if ($(conditionObject).hasClass('Currency')) { if ($.browser.device) element = jQuery(".LiveForm li[guid='" + condition.FieldId + "'] input[type='tel']"); else element = jQuery(".LiveForm li[guid='" + condition.FieldId + "'] input[type='text']"); } else if ($(conditionObject).hasClass('Datetime')) element = jQuery(".LiveForm li[guid='" + condition.FieldId + "'] input[type='text']"); else if ($(conditionObject).hasClass('Number')) element = jQuery(".LiveForm li[guid='" + condition.FieldId + "'] input[type='text']"); else if ($(conditionObject).hasClass('Fullname')) element = jQuery(".LiveForm li[guid='" + condition.FieldId + "'] input[type='text']"); else if ($(conditionObject).hasClass('Address')) element = jQuery(".LiveForm li[guid='" + condition.FieldId + "'] input[type='text']"); else if ($(conditionObject).hasClass('CreditCard')) element = jQuery(".LiveForm li[guid='" + condition.FieldId + "'] input[type='text']"); else if ($(conditionObject).hasClass('Phone')) element = jQuery(".LiveForm li[guid='" + condition.FieldId + "'] input[type='text']"); else if ($(conditionObject).hasClass('Email')) element = jQuery(".LiveForm li[guid='" + condition.FieldId + "'] input[type='text']"); else if ($(conditionObject).hasClass('Textarea')) element = jQuery(".LiveForm li[guid='" + condition.FieldId + "'] textarea"); else if ($(conditionObject).hasClass('Dropdown')) element = jQuery(".LiveForm li[guid='" + condition.FieldId + "'] select"); else if ($(conditionObject).hasClass('Radiobutton')) element = jQuery(".LiveForm li[guid='" + condition.FieldId + "'] input[type='radio']:checked"); else if ($(conditionObject).hasClass('ScaleRating')) element = jQuery(".LiveForm li[guid='" + condition.FieldId + "'] input[type='radio']:checked"); else if ($(conditionObject).hasClass('Checkbox')) element = jQuery(".LiveForm li[guid='" + condition.FieldId + "'] input[type='checkbox']:checked"); else if ($(conditionObject).hasClass('Fileupload')) element = jQuery(".LiveForm li[guid='" + condition.FieldId + "'] div[controlid]"); else if ($(conditionObject).hasClass('StarRating')) element = jQuery(".LiveForm li[guid='" + condition.FieldId + "']").find('.StarRatingRequired').find('div'); else if ($(conditionObject).hasClass('Matrix')) element = jQuery(".LiveForm li[guid='" + condition.FieldId + "'] input[type='text']"); return element; } function PerformAction(evalScript, action, obj, element, ele) { var result = eval(evalScript); if (action.FriendlyName == "Show Hide Field") { var ControlsToHideShow = action.ControlToHideShow.split(','); $.each(ControlsToHideShow, function (i, value) { if (action.HideShowType == "Show" || action.HideShowType == "Show Multiple") { if (result) { $(".LiveForm li[guid='" + value + "']").find('input[furequired],input[scalerequired],input[scorerequired]').removeClass("novalidate"); var controls = $(".LiveForm li[guid='" + value + "']").find('input[type=text],textarea,select,input[type=radio],input[type=checkbox]'); $.each(controls, function (i, control) { $(control).removeClass('novalidate'); }); if ($(".LiveForm li[guid='" + value + "']").hasClass("form-col-12")) $(".LiveForm li[guid='" + value + "']").css("display", "block"); else $(".LiveForm li[guid='" + value + "']").css("visibility", "visible"); } else { $(".LiveForm li[guid='" + value + "']").find('input[furequired],input[scalerequired],input[scorerequired]').addClass("novalidate"); var controls = $(".LiveForm li[guid='" + value + "']").find('input[type=text],textarea,select,input[type=radio],input[type=checkbox]'); $.each(controls, function (i, control) { $(control).addClass('novalidate'); }); if ($(".LiveForm li[guid='" + value + "']").hasClass("form-col-12")) $(".LiveForm li[guid='" + value + "']").css("display", "none"); else $(".LiveForm li[guid='" + value + "']").css("visibility", "hidden"); } } if (action.HideShowType == "Hide" || action.HideShowType == "Hide Multiple") { if (result) { $(".LiveForm li[guid='" + value + "']").find('input[furequired],input[scalerequired],input[scorerequired]').addClass("novalidate"); var controls = $(".LiveForm li[guid='" + value + "']").find('input[type=text],textarea,select,input[type=radio],input[type=checkbox]'); $.each(controls, function (i, control) { $(control).addClass('novalidate'); }); if ($(".LiveForm li[guid='" + value + "']").hasClass("form-col-12")) $(".LiveForm li[guid='" + value + "']").css("display", "none"); else $(".LiveForm li[guid='" + value + "']").css("visibility", "hidden"); } else { $(".LiveForm li[guid='" + value + "']").find('input[furequired],input[scalerequired],input[scorerequired]').removeClass("novalidate"); var controls = $(".LiveForm li[guid='" + value + "']").find('input[type=text],textarea,select,input[type=radio],input[type=checkbox]'); $.each(controls, function (i, control) { $(control).removeClass('novalidate'); }); if ($(".LiveForm li[guid='" + value + "']").hasClass("form-col-12")) $(".LiveForm li[guid='" + value + "']").css("display", "block"); else $(".LiveForm li[guid='" + value + "']").css("visibility", "visible"); } } }); } else if (action.FriendlyName == "Require Field") { var controlToRequire = action.controlToRequire.split(','); $.each(controlToRequire, function (i, value) { if (action.requireType == "Require" || action.requireType == "Require Multiple") { if (result) { $(".LiveForm li[guid='" + value + "']").addClass("Required"); $(".LiveForm li[guid='" + value + "']").find('input.starratinghidden').attr("scorerequired", "scorerequired"); $(".LiveForm li[guid='" + value + "']").find('input').attr("furequired", "furequired"); var controls = $(".LiveForm li[guid='" + value + "']").find('input[type=text],textarea,select,input[type=radio],input[type=checkbox]'); $.each(controls, function (i, control) { $(control).attr("required", "required"); }); } else { $(".LiveForm li[guid='" + value + "']").removeClass("Required"); var controls = $(".LiveForm li[guid='" + value + "']").find('input[type=text],textarea,select,input[type=radio],input[type=checkbox]'); $.each(controls, function (i, control) { $(control).removeAttr("required"); $(control).removeClass("error"); $(control).next(".error").css("display", "none"); }); } } if (action.requireType == "Unrequire" || action.requireType == "Unrequire Multiple") { if (result) { $(".LiveForm li[guid='" + value + "']").removeClass("Required"); $(".LiveForm li[guid='" + value + "']").find('input[furequired]').removeAttr("furequired"); $(".LiveForm li[guid='" + value + "']").find('input[scalerequired]').removeAttr("scalerequired"); $(".LiveForm li[guid='" + value + "']").find('input[scorerequired]').removeAttr("scorerequired"); var controls = $(".LiveForm li[guid='" + value + "']").find('input[type=text],textarea,select,input[type=radio],input[type=checkbox]'); $.each(controls, function (i, control) { $(control).removeAttr("required"); $(control).removeAttr("cbrequired"); $(control).removeClass("error"); $(control).next(".error").css("display", "none"); $(control).parents('div').next(".error").css("display", "none"); }); } else { $(".LiveForm li[guid='" + value + "']").addClass("Required"); $(".LiveForm li[guid='" + value + "']").find('input.starratinghidden').attr("scorerequired", "scorerequired"); $(".LiveForm li[guid='" + value + "']").find('input').attr("furequired", "furequired"); var controls = $(".LiveForm li[guid='" + value + "']").find('input[type=text],textarea,select,input[type=radio],input[type=checkbox]'); $.each(controls, function (i, control) { $(control).attr("required", "required"); }); } } }); } else if (action.FriendlyName == "SQLQuery") { if (result || result == undefined) { var fields = []; $(".Field.Textbox,.Field.Textarea,.Field.Dropdown,.Field.Radiobutton,.Field.Email,.Field.Number,.Field.Currency").each(function (index, field) { var Value = ""; if ($(field).hasClass("Textbox")) Value = $(field).find("input[type=text]").val(); else if ($(field).hasClass("Textarea")) Value = $(field).find("textarea").val(); else if ($(field).hasClass("Email")) Value = $(field).find("input[type=text]").val(); else if ($(field).hasClass("Number")) Value = $(field).find("input[type=text]").val(); else if ($(field).hasClass("Currency")) { if ($.browser.device) Value = $($(field).find("input[type=tel]")).maskMoney('unmasked')[0].toString(); else Value = $($(field).find("input[type=text]")).maskMoney('unmasked')[0].toString(); } else if ($(field).hasClass("Dropdown")) { var val = $(field).find("select").val().split("|"); Value = val[0]; if (val.length > 1) Value = val[1]; if (Value == '') { Value = $(field).find("select").attr('selectedoption'); } } else if ($(field).hasClass("Radiobutton")) { if ($(field).find("input[type=radio]:checked").val() != undefined) { var val = $(field).find("input[type=radio]:checked").val().split("|"); Value = val[0]; if (val.length > 1) Value = val[1]; } else Value = ""; } if (Value == undefined) Value = ""; if (Value.indexOf("+") > -1) Value = encodeURIComponent(Value); var f = { "GUID": "" + field.getAttribute('guid') + "", "Value": "" + Value + "" }; fields.push(f); }); var controls = $(".LiveForm li[guid='" + action.FieldValue + "']").find('input[type=text],textarea,select,input[type=radio],input[type=checkbox]'); 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  • "; if (value.childrenCount > 0) string += ""; else string += ""; string += ""; string += "" + value.Text + ""; string += ""; string += "
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  • "; string += ""; string += "" + value.Text + ""; string += "
  • "; }); string += ""; } return string; }; var LFClick_SelectFile = function (event, GUID, data) { var myArray = $('.' + GUID + '_browseFileUploadButton').val().split(","); var isavl = false; for (let i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++) { if (myArray[i] == data) isavl = true; } if (!isavl) { LFSelectedMarkUp(event, GUID, data); } }; var LFSelectedMarkUp = function (event, GUID, data) { if ($('.fileheader.' + GUID.replace(/-/g, "_")).attr('style') == "display: none;") $('.fileheader.' + GUID.replace(/-/g, "_")).attr("style", "display: block;"); var selectedmarkup = "
    " + event.innerText + "
    "; var maxallowed = 1; if ($(event).closest('.Field-Container-Wide').find('.browse')[0] !== undefined) { $.each($($(event).closest('.Field-Container-Wide').find('.browse')[0]).attr('class').split(' '), function (k, v) { if (v.indexOf('maxallowed') > -1) { maxallowed = parseInt(v.split('maxallowed')[1]); } }); } else { $.each($($(event).closest('.Field-Container').find('.browse')[0]).attr('class').split(' '), function (k, v) { if (v.indexOf('maxallowed') > -1) { maxallowed = parseInt(v.split('maxallowed')[1]); } }); } var totalfilesselected = $('.selectedfile' + GUID.replace(/-/g, "_")).find('.rowfile').length; if (maxallowed != 0 && totalfilesselected == maxallowed) { LFClick_DeleteFile(GUID, $($('.selectedfile' + GUID.replace(/-/g, "_")).find('.rowfile')[0]).attr('file')); } $('.selectedfile' + GUID.replace(/-/g, "_")).append(selectedmarkup); $('.' + GUID + '_browseFileUploadButton').val($('.' + GUID + '_browseFileUploadButton').val() + "," + data); }; var LFClick_DeleteFile = function (GUID, data) { var myArray = $('.' + GUID + '_browseFileUploadButton').val().split(","); $('.' + GUID + '_browseFileUploadButton').val(''); for (let i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++) { if (myArray[i] != data && myArray[i]) $('.' + GUID + '_browseFileUploadButton').val($('.' + GUID + '_browseFileUploadButton').val() + "," + myArray[i]); } if (!$('.' + GUID + '_browseFileUploadButton').val()) $('.fileheader.' + GUID.replace(/-/g, "_")).attr("style", "display: none;"); $('.selectedfile' + GUID.replace(/-/g, "_") + ' .row_' + data).remove(); }; $('.asset_grid > div').sortable({ items: 'div', handle: '.assetsmove', stop: function (event, ui) { var guid = ui.item.attr('guid'); if (guid) { $('.' + guid + '_browseFileUploadButton').val(''); $('.selectedfile' + guid.replace(/-/g, "_") + ' .rowfile').each(function (i, obj) { var file = $(obj).attr('file'); if (file) $('.' + guid + '_browseFileUploadButton').val($('.' + guid + '_browseFileUploadButton').val() + "," + file); }); } } }); var LFClick_DeletePlUploadFile = function (GUID, data, index) { var myArray = $('.' + GUID + '_FileUploadButton').val().split("%&%"); $('.' + GUID + '_FileUploadButton').val(''); for (let i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++) { if (myArray[i] != data && myArray[i]) $('.' + GUID + '_FileUploadButton').val($('.' + GUID + '_FileUploadButton').val() + "%&%" + myArray[i]); } if (!$('.' + GUID + '_FileUploadButton').val()) $('.fileheader.' + GUID.replace(/-/g, "_")).attr("style", "display: none;"); $('.selectedfile' + GUID.replace(/-/g, "_") + ' .pluploadrow_' + index).remove(); };