
Meet the Academic Affairs team

Provost’s Office strategic framework and values

Our mission is to serve and steward to enliven student, faculty, and staff experiences within Academic Affairs and across Campus.


Design of systems that facilitate effective and efficient use of FLC’s resources, with an eye on equity and fairness.


Consultation and discussion around key issues, especially where there is shared interest and impact.


Between and among schools, the provost’s office, and all areas of the institution.

  Diversity and openness

Embrace diversity in all its forms to elevate belongingness for students, faculty, and staff and in ways that encourage respectful dialogue, idea-idea exchange, mutual learning, and growth. 


Commitment to help faculty and programs in ways that seek to continuously improve student success and elevate FLC’s mission.

Contact us

Academic Affairs Office

Location: 240 Berndt Hall
Phone: 970-247-7314

Jlyn Lewis
Executive Assistant to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Email: jjlewis@fortlewis.edu

Campus Concern Reporting

We are committed to creating a healthy, inclusive, and safe environment for our community members. If you have a concern, use our Campus Concern Reporting form.